Sunday, March 22, 2015

Using the butternut squash: Butternut squash pasta sauce

I bought some butternut squash cappellacci (large tortellini) from Tuscan Kitchen in Salem, NH. (I probably should have tried to make my own with all of the butternut squash that I'm trying to use....)

I decided to make a butternut squash sauce for them. I roasted a butternut squash, then pureed some of the cooked cubes with butternut squash stock and a bit of light cream.

It tasted great, but ended up the color of cheese whiz, which was not very appealing.
I took a picture of the squash with the sauce. It's odd to me that the orange squash turned this color. I'm thinking it might be the cream, but I used very little.
If you don't mind the color, it's worth a try. I think it would work well with a non-filled pasta as well. You can make the sauce the consistency you'd like by blending in more or less stock and/or cream.

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