Monday, September 22, 2014

Tomato weekend

This weekend was spent making lots of roasted tomato sauce.

I started on Friday evening with some tomatoes from my mom and others from Siena Farms.
This batch was made with tomatoes, onions, and garlic.
On Sunday morning, I drove to Verrill Farm to pick up a few things. I found that they had two large milk crates of tomato seconds. So I bought both of them.
Then I made two huge batches of sauce. Here's the first batch on Sunday, using one crateful of tomatoes. I added a hot pepper to each of the roasting pans to add some spice to the sauce.
Here's the first batch ready for the freezer.
Later in the day, I roasted the second crateful of tomatoes.
Then packaged up the sauce for the freezer.
We now have enough sauce to make it until next year's tomato season.

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